Sunday, 4 September 2016

Denim on Durham's Bailey

It's fair to say that the British Summer is now dwindling from bright (which must not be mistaken for warm!) afternoons to pre-autumnal showers and shiny cobble stones, orange leaves and cool breezes. Today I was in Durham to get a few things and took a walk up to the Bailey - a famous strip of college bars among the Durham Student population. As we see the back of summer and transition into Autumn and all the good stuff that comes with it, I went for a laid back student look, meaning my trusty vintage Mustang denim jacket that I bought last year from one of Durham's vintage shops, 'Scarlett Ribbons' was put to work, along with a funky pair of bold demin blue and white vertical striped mom-style high-waisted jeans that I recently purchased from Topshop. I wore my faux-suede moccasins too because they're one of my favourite pairs of shoes at the moment.
MOTO stripe ripped Mon-style jeans available at Topshop here.
Jacket - Vintage (Mustang)
White tee - Hollister
Silver Bag - Topshop

In sync with the city: Matching blue hues of denim

I also love these creeper-style shoes from River Island. A couple of years ago I had a black pair and they were ideal to go with tights and skirts in the Autumn and Winter months, not to mention they looked grungy and edgy in black.
What staple pieces do you love and mix 'n' match with? What uni essential garments do you rely on to take you from morning lecture dashes to a night out? Got to say mine is the denim jacket - best buy of 2015 in my opinion! Let me know in the comments below or drop me a line on Twitter / Instagram.
Bilgi x

1 comment

  1. I love your matching blues, absolutely adore those jeans - so beaut! So bladdy excited for autumn :) Immy x


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