
My name is Bilgi, I am a 29 year old lifestyle, fashion and beauty blogger from Durham and boutique owner. I love taking photos of things which I'm doing or places I have been and sharing them in the blogger-sphere. I want you to be taken on an adventure when you read or look through my blog and feel inspired! I hope you can take something from what you experience on my blog and start planning your very own trip somewhere wonderful or treat yourself to some new skincare or beauty products that you've read about! If you want to ask me a question, please feel free to drop me a message on my blog or via one of my social media platforms of Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

Here are 4 things you probably don't (yet!) know about me...

1. I was born and lived in London as a small child. I love the city and the seemingly endless possibilities which it holds.

2. Lots of my family live in Cyprus, so naturally, I have a sunny disposition. (That's how it works, right?!)

3. I. Love. Tea. Specifically, Earl Grey tea. I have tried going for weeks without this variety, only sipping the regular kind, but honestly I don't see the point anymore. I love Earl Grey.

4. I also really quite like Ferrero Roches. When I found out that they have Nutella inside them, well it was an amazing moment to behold. (bet you didn't know that!)


  1. Girls' fashion includes a diverse array of clothing options such as dresses, skirts, tops, blouses, t-shirts, pants, jeans, shorts, jumpsuits, rompers, and outerwear like jackets and coats. These garments come in various colors, patterns, and styles, ranging from casual and sporty to formal and elegant.If you are looking to buy an Online Exam Help service at a cheap rate turnout to the dissertation help for all the academic task

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